Follow My Journey Into The Depth of FOREX, The Most Liquid Market In The World, using Marketiva!!
This is my daily updates, my ups and downs, my striving to reach that pinnacle of success many men and women dream about: Financial Freedom Through Forex!
Forex trading is about gaining a lot and losing a lot more. This is morning, and already I lost half of my capital. Bummer. And I thought I am talented for forex trading....
I was interested to sign up with Marketiva until I read their TOS saying they have the right to increase the margin anytime. And if so, the users are required to wire transfer into our marketiva accounts immediately. :(
At 10:34 AM,
I was interested to sign up with Marketiva until I read their TOS saying they have the right to increase the margin anytime. And if so, the users are required to wire transfer into our marketiva accounts immediately. :(
At 6:01 PM,
Eko Prasetyo
Actually fye, you don't have to wire transfer immediately.
What you need to do immediately is to give them your identification documents
At 10:03 AM,
Ohh....thanks Eko. Im looking fwd to participate in FOREC trading soon. Still learning n practising using one of the simulators. Thanks!!
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