Go Technical or Be Based of Fundamentals ? |
by Eko Prasetyo @ 7:01 AM Forex Technical Analysis Reports Technical analysis is a method of forecasting price movements by looking at purely market-generated data. Price data from a particular market is most commonly the type of information analyzed by a technician. The bottom line when utilizing any type of analytical method, technical or otherwise, is to stick to the basics, which are methodologies with a proven track record over a long period. After finding a trading system that works for you, the more esoteric fields of study can then be incorporated into your trading toolbox. Almost every trader uses some form of technical analysis. Even the most reverent follower of market fundamentals is likely to glance at price charts before executing a trade. At their most basic level, these charts help traders determine ideal entry and exit points for a trade. They provide a visual representation of the historical price action of whatever is being studied. As such, traders can look at a chart and know if they are buying at a fair price (based on the price history of a particular market), selling at a cyclical top or perhaps throwing their capital into a choppy, sideways market. These are just a few market conditions that charts identify for a trader. Depending on their level of sophistication, charts can also help much more advanced studies of the markets. The building blocks of any technical analysis system include support/resistance, price charts, volume charts, and technical indicators that include trend indicators, momentum indicators, volatility, cycle, etc. Forex Fundamental Analysis Reports Fundamental analysis refers to the study of the core underlying elements that influence the economy of a particular entity. Fundamental analysis, including forex fundamental analysis, is a method of study that attempts to predict price action and market trends by analyzing economic indicators, government policy and societal factors (to name just a few elements) within a business cycle framework. Forex fundamental analysis can be used to forecast economic conditions very effectively. But forex fundamental analysis may not necessarily forecast exact market prices. Forecasting models in forex fundamental analysis are as numerous and varied as the traders and market buffs that create them. Two people can look at the exact same data and come up with two completely different conclusions about how the market will be influenced by it. Therefore is it important that before casting yourself into a particular mold regarding any aspect of market analysis, you study the fundamentals and see how they best fit your trading style and expectations. For forex traders, the fundamentals are everything that makes a country tick. From interest rates and central bank policy to natural disasters, the fundamentals are a dynamic mix of distinct plans, erratic behaviors and unforeseen events. Therefore, it is best to get a handle on the most influential contributors to this diverse mix than it is to formulate a comprehensive list of all "The Forex Fundamentals." |
At 11:33 AM,
Putnumber Editor
Wow, nice blog here! vy freshing and attracting!!!
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